Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Pumpkin Season!

Last week at the San Marcos Farmers Market I noticed that pumpkins were for sale.  I wanted to try cooking pumpkin for the family to have for pies and soup, etc.

These pumpkins are at the Braune Farms booth.

First, you need to pick out a nice pumpkin and have someone with big muscles carry it to the car.

Next I cut off the stem of the pumpkin.  Remember to use newspaper as this whole job of cutting up pumpkin can be rather messy.

I had Rowan scoop out the seeds and stuff from the inside of the pumpkin.

I cut the pumpkin into large chunks and baked at 400 for 1 and 1/2 hours.  Next time I want to try steaming it because that was an awfully long time to have the oven on.

Once the pumpkin was cooked, I removed the skin and pureed it with a hand mixer.  You can also use a food processor or blender.

Lastly, I separated it into portions that match the amount of pumpkin needed for recipes we use.  I used freezer bags, although I don't think it will stay in the freezer for long.

Come out to the San Marcos Farmers Market and get your pumpkin!  I'm sure the other farmers will have theirs in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I bought some of these wonderful pumpkins as well... but my kids have plans to use theirs for decorations. I noticed your sign at the farmers market and realized that you were on my Blog follow list so I stopped by the Mad City Chicks Blog and became a follower.
