Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our First Farmers Market**

Yesterday was our first farmers market in San Marcos. We had a great time and met a lot of interesting people. Everyone was so nice and complimentary, I think it comes from all that healthy eating and living, makes people more positive.
Julie's homemade laundry soap made its lemony debut. We received positive feedback on the recycling idea of the refill option. 64 0z for $4 or bring bottle back and receive a refill for $3. We also have a 32 oz trial bottle for $3 and refills for $2.
The handmade headbands in their colorful glory. Come see us next Tuesday at San Marcos Farmers market.


  1. Next time I will make sure there's a better picture of me and more details of the other products.

  2. How fun!!!! I love the farmers market and have a friend or two who sells at our local one. Congrats on the new adventure!

    So do we get to ask what your laundry soap is made of? :-p I've seen so many recipes Ive wanted to try but no clue whats best.

  3. Hi Wantless! How's the farm going? My recipe is one that I actually cook. There's some out there that are dry or a cold liquid mix but I prefer the cooked one because then I know it's completely blended. ;) That's all the hint I'll give. Be brave and try some recipes.
